Sinapsio admina September 28, 2023

Your All-In-One Fraud Prevention Suite

Autonomously safeguarding.
Silently present.
Securing business.

Fraud is a

In the dynamic realm of telecommunications, where connections span the globe and the telecom industry stands as a pillar of modern civilization, we confront a persistent adversary – fraud. Fraud, in its various forms, poses a relentless challenge to the industry’s stability and security. New evolving threats demand innovative solutions.

A Vigilant Stand Against Rising Fraud Threats

AI powered fraud, Based on its dynamic nature, growing autonomy and sophistication can easily outsmart traditional security systems We At Sinapsio confront this challenge with the same measure – AI powered Fraud prevention. Armed with innovation and expertise, we tackle fraud head-on, ensuring the telecom business remains resilient in the face of evolving threats. Tackle AI fraud with smarter AI.  

This type of fraud is common in countries where international termination rates exceed local SIM- to-SIM rates. Fraudsters utilize human like behaviour to circumvent standard detection principles in order to capture a significant portion of termination margins, harming telco businesses greatly.

Also often called transit or call duration frauds, are prevalent in hubbing and reselling markets. They include practices like call stretching, early connect, and FAS. However, fraudsters come up with various tactics. The issue arises when one party sends false connections or delayed disconnects to extend call duration and increase charges.

The most common and extremely costly telecom scam, causing billions in losses for both Telecoms and users. It involves PBX or phone hacking on the user’s end, diverting traffic to premium destinations with revenue-sharing models in place.

A-Number Manipulation, also known as CLI spoofing, is amongst the most complex telecom fraud types. Fraudsters change the originating number to avoid international fees or impersonate authorities for information gathering or deception.

Also known as ‘One Time Ring,’ is a scam where fraudsters generate calls that only ring once and then disconnect. Unsuspecting mobile users may call back, unknowingly connecting to a premium-rate number disguised as local. Fraudsters profit from these callbacks by extending the calls through various means, and when done on large scale generate immense revenue losses for our future customers.

Whether it is smishing, SMS Pumping (AIT – artificially inflated traffic), SMS grey route termination or ilicite SMS and spam. 
Our SMS Firewall combined with the protection of your online App which uses OTP Messages – unbeatable solution for all your SMS security needs.

Empowering Real-time Solutions

Where Decisions Are Instant, Fraud Is History!

In an industry where decisions often linger in post-processing, Sinapsio emerges as a frontrunner. Our system operates in real-time, ensuring immediate action against evolving fraud threats, dynamically shaping the fate of each call with precision.

How We Tackle the Problem

At Sinapsio, we take on the ever-evolving challenge of telecom fraud with a real-time strategy combined with machine learning that leaves no room for compromise. By operating in the immediacy of each call, our system ensures fraud threats are met head-on, providing a robust defence mechanism that protects your network with unparalleled accuracy and efficiency. 

Autonomous Vigilance

Swiftly prevents fraud, ensuring high call quality and customer satisfaction.

Real-time Decision-making

Seamlessly combines real-time actions with machine learning, ensuring unmatched accuracy.

Comprehensive Security

Integrates forensic tools for internal testing, fortified by GDPR compliance for impenetrable data protection.

Fully Managed Service

Experience a product meticulously managed by experts, eliminating the need for client interventions.

Secure Your Communication: One Small Step for You, One Giant Leap for Your Network... Sinapsio!

Real-Time Vigilance
Empowering Security: Sinapsio's Fraud Detection

Sinapsio is a fraud detection system that can identify fraudulent activities in real-time without any intervention from the client. The system uses a combination of fraud detection techniques such as protocol analysis, behavior analysis, and pattern recognition to detect fraud. It can provide a detailed analysis of calls, including media and signaling, to identify any anomalous or suspicious patterns. Sinapsio is backed by machine learning algorithms that have been trained on various fraud scenarios to improve its accuracy and efficiency. The system requires minimal user input and can adapt to new fraud patterns to provide reliable and effective fraud detection.

Four Pillars of Fraud Defense
Fortifying Telecom Security - Unmatched Multilevel Fraud Defense
Signaling stage

While positioned directly in the call path, Sinapsio gathers, evaluates, and makes real-time choices during the call setup without the need for client intervention.

During call duration

Sinapsio constantly monitors for any anomalies, ensuring that there is no room for compromise.

Call post-processing

Processing the big data, Sinapsio constantly learns, thus ensuring future-proof protection.

Analytics dashboard

We offer forensic tools for online analytics, including industry-leading technologies for big data analysis. Our solutions provide unparalleled visibility and in-depth analysis of calls, including media and signalling.

Enhancing Network and Business Integrity Against Fraud
Telco Operators

Enhance network security to mitigate telecom fraud, boost revenues, and prevent substantial financial losses and customer churn. Safeguard against disputes, non-payments, and reputational losses, effectively reducing revenue leakage from suspicious fraudulent traffic.


Protect your businesses from all types of Wangiri, PBX Hacking, calls to premium rate numbers, and other types of voice fraud. Prevent abuse of your PBX and mitigate collateral damage caused by fraudulent attacks.